Dine, Dance & Donate

About Our Event

2022 will mark the 3rd annual Dine, Dance, and Donate event dedicated to advancing the mission of Team Telomere. We, as an organization, strive to provide information and support services to families worldwide affected by Dyskeratosis Congenita and other Telomere Biology Disorders, as these diagnoses can be daunting. We also encourage the medical community’s research in finding causes and effective treatments for these ailments, as well as facilitate improved diagnosis by educating medical providers on the signs. In 2019, our event hosted 140 individuals and raised both awareness and funds to advance progress in the research of Telomere Biology Disorders. The advancements we have seen in this community could not have been made possible without the incredible support of each one of YOU! This year, we will continue to celebrate those whose efforts make our dream a reality. We hope that you will join us at the 3rd annual Dine, Dance, and Donate and that you’ll consider supporting the Telomere Biology Disorders Community!

Team Telomere’s Honorees for 2022

Excellence in Medicine: Dr. Jakub Tolar

Excellence in Community: Bruce Friedman

Executive Director’s Choice: Haley Gonzalez

Previous Honorees

Saturday – October 15, 2022

6:00–10:00 PM
Cocktail Hour: 6:00–7:00 PM



$800 for table of 7


  • Live music performed by Bluewater Kings Band
  • Dinner and Awards Program
  • Silent Auction and 50/50 Raffle


Rochester Art Center
40 Civic Center Dr SE
Rochester, MN 55904


$10,000: Naming Sponsor
$5,000: Platinum Sponsor
$3,000: Gold Sponsor
$1,500 Silver Sponsor


Reach out to Katie Stevens