My beautiful daughter Genevieve was just diagnosed with a Telomere Biology Disorder with a DKC1 mutation. She is 2 years old. Obviously we are very new in this journey and hopefully have a long one ahead of us but we are very very thankful to have found Team Telomere. Genevieve loves music and is constantly playing with all of her musical toys and books. I am also a piano teacher so we love to make music together. She is such a little fish and loves to be in the water, we are hoping she may only need to wear water wings in the pool this summer because she already thinks she can just go off on her own. 🤦🏻‍♀️She has quite a few brain abnormalities so she is delayed but determined and actually just starting walking in the last month. She is my husband and Is only child and the absolute light of our life. We are obviously devastated we are here but so excited to get to know more Telomere Warriors! ❤️