Although he never grew very tall, Peter Ramesh Futia lived large. Born with several genetic mutations, including the one on RTEL1 that caused his Dyskeratosis Congenita, he never let his challenges slow him down. Peter was diagnosed with DC at age 16 and enjoyed seven years of relative stability before succumbing to pulmonary fibrosis and myelodysplastic syndrome in 2017. Peter attended three proms, managed his school’s volleyball team, sang in the choir, was elected to Homecoming Court, earned a high school diploma, traveled to India and Dubai, and worked part-time at CVS. Wherever he went there were high-fives and hugs. He loved video games, Harry Potter, anime and took great pride in buying things online without ever paying postage. McDonald’s was his temple. He was every dog’s friend and he never met a stranger. He cherished his independence and learned to administer his own insulin, cook simple meals, and follow bus schedules. He especially enjoyed taking himself out to eat and buying gifts for the people he loved. He was blessed with almost 23 years of active life and a quick, peaceful passing.