The Telomere Biology Disorder community sends major congratulations to Dr. Emily Pearce for defending her dissertation and earning her PhD!

Dr. Pearce’s thesis was titled “The Experience and Management of Medical Uncertainty in Telomere Biology Disorders” and studied the complex issues of uncertainty in Telomere Biology Disorders.

For her project, Dr. Pearce has been working closely with Team Telomere, exploring TBD-related social media to better understand sources of uncertainty, as well as uncertainty management strategies and recruiting community members for the TBD Needs Assessment Study at the National Cancer Institute.

When asked about her work with the Team Telomere community, Dr. Pearce shared: “Team Telomere is a magical group of people! One thing that has been inspiring when working with Team Telomere… [is] they are a motivated group of people looking to find answers. Their enthusiasm really made me soar through this project.”

Our research community is vital to Team Telomere’s mission and vision and it’s an honor to be able to celebrate their wins alongside them.

Dr. Pearce’s research was recently published in the JMIR Journal of Infodemiology and you can read the full paper below!

Read paper here